@holgerzz the beatmatch fx feature has literally been requested on the forum back in 2013.
And most famously re-requested in 2018
What I find so curious is that LUA workarounds through 3rd party software (ShowCockpit) can for some users solve this pain if they’re willing to pay extra and experiment with the feature, but the Onyx development team simple does not seem to find this important enough to add it.
I really appreciate all the cool new features, the improving stability and the potential of Dylos. I would have thought though that it would be clear by now what an enormous feature multiplier tap tempo and sync tempo for fx would be.
It would not only allow us to create fantastically magificant chases with a multitude of fixtues, it would also hugely improve animating fx with Dylos and help us easier scale those effects up when adding more fixtures to a show. With the new real-time beat detection I think we would be really close to a fully packaged, awesome featureset.
@Matthias I know everyone is really busy doing a great job, and you are possibly not the person who would single handedly agenda feature improvements, just please relieve us of this by now 10-year long pain.
Most importantly maybe if we got to understand the reasoning better for the wait, or maybe if there were good alternatives, we would no feel as if we were shouting into a void. We’ve been asking for this for 10 years now, and always there were higher priorities. I think you’d like us to feel taken seriously and that is achievable by doing the aforementioned. I think we could be sooo close now looking at the most recent beta. Please seal the deal!