Microsoft Edge auto deleting MSD Demo as containing a virus

FYI: Running the slow ring of windows 10 updates, when I downloaded MSD Demo from Microsoft Edge it automatically deleted it.

Just did, and had no issue…

It may be your Anti Virus/Firewall software, not Edge…

I’ve abandoned all AV software, except for MS Defender

Hey Ofer,

Are you using the slow ring of Windows update on any of your computers? I have Windows 10 Insider Preview 16232.1000 (rs_prerelease) on this computer.

It must be Windows Defender and the new Microsoft cloud protection because this machine has Kaspersky installed, which has never given me problems with Martin software. When I download from Google Chrome and scan the file with Kaspersky nothing is detected.

Perhaps the new Windows Defender & it’s cloud security is much improved, but every time I’ve used Malwarebytes & Kaspersky, etc. to scan club computers relying on it I’ve found dozen’s if not hundreds of PUP’s (Potentially Unwanted Programs) & viruses.

It must be Windows related, than… I’m not using the new Windows Preview

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