NETRON Version 2.4

A new firmware is available for NETRON nodes.

	Release Notes for NETRON EP4 - EN4 - EN12 - RDM10
		(C) 2020 - Obsidian Control Systems

Note: Updates require two files, .nfw per device and .img web package
NETRON devices are not compatible with Internet Explorer.

V2.4 (12/08/2020)

Requires V2.4 .nfw and .img


Display Timeout was set to disabled, now is set to 5min
Display Timeout “disabled” kept the OLED at full brightness, now added a dim down of display after 5 min
RDM10 could not boot unless connected to PC
EN12 showed hiccups in the DMX test screens when the web interface was refreshed
Improved some RDM detection issues

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