Onyx not learning timecode timing with artnet

Using an Artnet timecode source, I was unable to get Onyx to learn timings from pressing Main Go. Instead, it inserted a zero timecode into the cue. If I used the internal timecode source, Onyx learned the correct timings.

Edit: I’ve uploaded a screenshot showing the issue on a fresh install. This was taken just after pressing Main Go.

Hello, an Artnet Timecode? What is it?

It’s under the timecode sources list as “Network”.

Thanks for reporting this, indeed it seems to stamp 0:00 even with valid TC coming in. We will investigate this. Can you say in what version # you used this last successfully?

Unfortunately I’ve never used this feature successfully. I first encountered it on build 4.2.1052.0 and then again on latest.

Should be fixed in next build (due soon)

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what are you using for generating a artnettimecode, onyx can read without translating to mtc, over a network??.



e.g. TimeLord https://timelord-mtc.com/