2d Plan, can‘t „add“ new Page and can‘t „delete “ Layers


I run Version 4.8-1243 and Beta 4.9-1249 on a Win 11 PC, both Version with self Problem.
First: I can,t add a new Page in 2D Plan.
Second: I can‘t delete a Layer in 2D Plan.

Do i have an issue in my Brain or it‘s a Bug?

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I think we have experienced something similar on 1243. On PC we could not copy a 2d plan or creat new. But on Console we could.

So I think there is something going on, but I cant provide any more information at the moment.

Could you upload your show file to Uploads? Maybe something went bad in there, and we can have a look

I’m experiencing the same issue, first it wouln’t add pages to the 2d plan then I wasn’t able to remove layers as well.

updating Onyx to 4.10 to see if the issue is resolved, and I’ll upload my show file to see if @gert_leunen can spot any issues.

Is the show named “eca” and saved as BeforeSQLUpgrade.OnyxShow yours?
I loaded it into 4.10.1263 and I could add 2D pages as well as delete layers?