bpm count in top line

hello, if we have a showfile with several beat providern and dividern, on nx1 there is a beautiful line of tab sections in top line of the onyx interface. BUT if we join this nx1 show via xnet on a pc, the complete line of bpm display for provider and divider and abletonlink, travells to the secondary display on the joint pc. so is this a bug? boths are on 4.10.1265 and newest lib.

after exit the secondary on pc, there is no bpm displayed again. so if we want to get it back, have to restart nx1. is the beat part in the top line of the interface switchable by menue?

oh, we think on nx1 display, the problem is the lengths of the word “primary”. because if we only have one bpm meter in top line, it stays .
also two are staying, three too. but if we add a further one, they all disappers when we join from a pc and primary is poping up on nx1. thx.