You may want to reach out to support via email to get a quicker response. One question I have is how did you run the installer? It’s recommended to right click and “Run As Admin”. Just a though. If you’ve already tried that then hopefully support can get to you quickly.
Maybe it was just the admin account that made me think you needed to run it as admin. I am glad to see the installer package is getting more work done on it to help with some of these errors.
Actually, you don’t need to launch it as admin yourself because the installer will trigger that on startup (so you get the authorization popup). We still need it for being able to install services, for example, but we’re indeed further reducing our dependency on requiring privileges.
I remoted into the system and it was the SSD cluster size issue…
Assuming you have no Onyx listed in your installed apps, remove the following registry key:
And try again