Default Fader und Button Assignments


maybe i just cannot find it. Is it possible to change the default Assignments for newly stored Cuelists? It’s very frustrating to change each cuelist on its own, because i have a specific way for my faderbuttons.

If it will be possible in the future, these default settings should be saved for each kind (Cuelist, Chase, Override) on their own.


Agreed! this is something I’ve been hoping for for a long time now.

Ditto :blush:



Any movement on this? Default button assignments would be really great.

maybe I missed this one - but anyway to change the Default Release time on cue stacks?
Or does the default (3s) come from another Global option?


Would be an amazing feature to implement.

On most my faders i have top button set to Go, 2nd button set to Release, and bottom set to Flash
Most my playback buttons are set to toggle

+1 we really need this

Was this ever implemented?

I would always like to have the Flash button set as Release, without having to edit every Cuelist I make.