Hello everyone, I am using onyx version 4.4.1193 and I need the DyLOS content dated 12.02.2020. Does anyone have her? The website link is down (like many).
Are you not able to use the current DyLOS content dated 08-12-2021?
It is available on the main ONYX downloads page. If you specifically need that DyLOS package, you may need to submit a support request.
Not knowing your specific situation or reason, but is there a reason you are still on 4.4.1193? There has been many updates and improvements. I would strongly consider updating.
Hi Watson, thanks for your help.
Currently I’m working with the M2goHD and from version 4.5 the table has a delay in the moment you move more than two fairies at the same time. It’s impossible for me to work with it.
That’s why, at this moment, I’m forced to use 4.4 version.
I tried installing the content on Dylos 12-08-2021, but it was impossible for me to make it work. If I install the12-08-2021a version 4.5 of Onyx it works.
I have done countless tests, in the M2goHD as on the PC, I have installed the content of the Directx and nothing has benn usefull. I think that this content is not compatible with version 4.4, I’m not sure if that’s the reason. That is why I need version 12-02-2020.
Okay. I would suggest contacting support and see what your options are. I didn’t see any DyLOS content in the archives for the date you are requesting.
You mentioned testing between the M2GoHD and the PC. Have you also tried testing with the M2GoHD in the USB mode (as a control surface) to the PC? With the next software release (currently Beta 4.9.1249) the M2GoHD will no longer be able to support that version, unless you run it in the USB mode as a wing.
Hope this helps,
DyLOS content for version 4.4.1193 is 12.02.2020 according to the website . I guess I shouldn’t have any problems with this one. I’ve tried m2gohd as USB format and I have the same problem. Hope the support guys can help me. I know the problem with version 4.9 , sobfor now I will work with 4.4.
Thank you very much for the help