How To build such an Effect

Maybe a short question, but for now I didnt get it to the perfectly working settings. How to build such an effect with moving heads like shown here:

I mean let them start a pos a, turn on, go up, turn off and then back to start.
I know there is some P/T-Fall Dimmer effect in the FX Program, but that one uses sine waves to create that effect. So depending on the speed you would like to make it run and the amount of steps you have, the initial going “down” (so changing the Tilt in that case) takes to much time.

I hope you get my question :see_no_evil:

@flippatspace -

This is an older video, but still apllies today. Watch the whole thing, and then you can follow along.

Hope this helps,


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Thanks a lot. Havent seen that one until now.
Will play a bit with that if it does what I want. :+1: