How to do a CHASE effect ?

Software Version: NX1 4.30.1274 & PC 4.8.1240.0
NX Console Type or PC OS Version: NX1 & PC 4.8.1240.0

Hi everyone,

I work in France on sets (ads & music videos). I used the soft since few weeks and people often asked to me to create a chase effect. Untill now, it’s not working how i want.

1-FX generator
I try with the effect generator of the soft and i modify FX timing parameters. But with this method is it possible to reduce the size of the lighting zone ? I searched a lot without succes.

I create 2 cue in cuelist mode and play with delay, it works but how can i set un the speed ? I change all parameters and only the size of my chase is moving. With this technique, the chase start only when it’s finish the other side, so there is a “blackout moment”, can i fix this ?

3-Chase mode
i suppose i can use chase mode to do that, but i don’t know how. Do you know any tutorials could help me ?

What kind of chase do you want to prgramm?

I want create an intensity chase on my 40 Arri Skypanels 60. And be able to choose the speed, the number of pixels on and i would that the chase never stop (if it’s 3 pixels chase, i want the 1st S60 on when the chase is coming to the two last one (no blackout at any time)

Hi @Manulherbe

Welcome to the forum.

If you have not watched them already, I would recommend watching these tutorials…


But I think creating an effect only having 3 out of 40 active as a chase is not that easily doable via the fx on the dimmer channel.

I would create a dylos area over the 40 and use the generator to create a scrolling dimmer effect. With the speed and the size of the generator you can easily adjust these while haveing them running. Might not be that you exactly match 3, but you can have that as close as possible to this. And the generator will automatically start with the 1st one again to have it seamlessly running.

Hi ! Thanks for your answers. Yes i saw the tutorial serie from Obsidian. I discover some tools as the group function. But that do not solve my issue.

I succeed with Dylos, using “generator”.

Thanks you all for helping