Importing Dylos Factory Content Issue

So I have downloaded the Factory Content Package for Dylos to try out, I imported the media files, progress bar went all the way, but I still have nothing in my Dylos folders in my sidebar, everything is empty.

I do ave the free version of Onyx though, would this be the issue? or do i need to pay for the full version for it to display these factory content media files?

Are you using the release? Doesnt matter if its free,.

this seems more an issue with dylos not starting up.

So you mean that these don’t appear under “Factory”?

Correct, I don’t see those at all

Any chance we could setup an AnyDesk session so I can have a look at what’s happening? First report on failing factory content install…

Another question first, maybe: how much free disk space do you have on that system?

I have plenty of free disk space, upwards of 300GB. What is anydesk? I would be happy try anything out that might help!

It’s a tool for remotely controlling your desktop (similar to TeamViewer, if you’re familiar with that). You can freely download it from and then PM me the ID and the password (which are generated for you and shown when you launch the application).


Did you find a fix for this. I have a friend that came to me with a brand new machine and fresh install. 4.4.1193 with the same problem. There is also some issues with the zone composer screen not “drawing” correctly. So we are going to check and make sure Direct X is updated. Anything other suggestions?



So you’re having issues importing the content? If DyLOS zone composer doesn’t render correctly, there must indeed be a DirectX issue, and since the content import is done by DyLOS engine, a faulty DirectX installation may prevent DyLOS from performing any task at all… So please try again after running DirectX client runtime install, and if still no luck, we’ll setup an AnyDesk session if ok for you

We uninstalled 4.4.1193. Updated direct x. Checked for any windows updates and performed. We then reinstalled 1193 and reimported content. Content import took much longer and screen drawing was correct. We now have DyLOS content.

However we now have a triangle warning that there may be missing content used in the show. Since this is a fresh install with a show that was built on 1193. How do we get rid of the warning?



Is it possible you imported proprietary content? If you didn’t save the show with content, you would have to import the original again then. If not the case, we may need an AnyDesk session after all


After the direct x update and the reinstall of 4.4.1193 we did have to reimport the factory content package. We did save with media. There is no proprietary content in the DyLOS media. However there is one graphic that was used for the 2d plan view to lay the lights over.

I have a copy of the show file which I can double check to see if the warning is there. And if need, I can get access to the original machine on Wednesday morning (US central).



@gert_leunen ,

Here is a screen shot on a second machine with the show file created by “Save with Media Content” option.

And a copy of the show file for you to reference. Again, it was just made using 4.4.1193 and all factory content. Only the 2D plan view graphic was added.

PBA_2021-04-04_2208_Build_4_4_1193_0.OnyxShow (4.9 MB)

Thanks for looking into it.


Actually, you did import custom media: \\Video\Motion Loops\ and
\\Video\Motion Loops\; check out the User tab: Folder 1 contains 2 media files, you can delete them there


Hmmm. Well that explains it. I thought for sure the guy said he didn’t. I should have double checked myself. Sorry for that. I’ll work with him to clean that up / reimport.



@gert_leunen ,

Thanks again. This morning I am working with the gentleman that built the show file. We’d like to give some additional feedback about the warning of missing content.

Our suggestion…

  1. When you click the warning triangle to be able to give a dialog box of how to resolve the missing media. Example…Delete / Re-import or Re-link / or ignore for each missing media.

  2. This may be a more appropriate solution. But to also include a warning triangle over the “heading” icons. Example…In addition to Folder 1…but also on the User Tab. Our concern is what happens if you have missing media on a folder that is outside of the initial view. Like Folder 245 in the Owner Tab. You would flag Owner and Folder 245.

Thanks for listening to our feedback,
