Software Version: 4.10.1271.0
NX Console Type NX 1
Is it possible to tell a multi instance fixture to put lets say fixture 300.1 thru 300.11 @ universe 1 address 476 and then patch fixture 300.12 thru 300.(100) to start on universe 2 address 1?
I don’t think that is possible. Besides Onyx I don’t know of any fixture that can be spread over mutliple universes.
Welcome to the forum.
No - this isn’t possible. A single fixture cannot be patched across multiple universes. Out of interest, what fixtures are you using, and what is the need to patch them over a universe boundary?
If your fixture consists of multiple RGB or RGBW cells, you may be able to patch the first set of cells on Onyx universe 1, and then patch a second fixture featuring a different number of cells onto Onyx universe 2. You could then create groups in order to control the cells together as if it was a single fixture.
I think this depends more on whether your device allows you to do it
I have the same issue.
I’m manufacturing my own RGB LED pixel tubes with 9, 19 and 30 pixels per tube.
The LED drivers that I use would let me connect up to 4 universes of LEDs into one physical output.
For now, due to not being able to patch a single tube across two universes, I always limit myself to connecting no more than 170 pixels to one physical output and end up using more (pretty costly) drivers than I’d otherwise need.
Of course, patching those as two separate cell groups is kind of a viable option but still, we don’t have the ability to make our own multipart fixtures, so if I connect my LEDs in a way that leaves let’s say 17 cells on one universe, then the standard library’s “RGB pixel” won’t suit it .
Also, doing workarounds like this gets very messy, very quick, when you have 20 universes of pixel fixtures patched.
Aside from the tubes, I also make custom LED scenic elements like the triangle in the photo. The triangle is made of 3 modules, with 120 RGB pixels each.
Each module is divided into several groups that vary from 6-12 pixels.
I’d love to be able to create a custom multipart fixture for it, with a layout representing the physical location of the pixels.
Right now, patching this monstrosity is close to half an hour of clicking…
It’s weird that this functionality is clearly possible in the software, as it’s even covered in the manual and the example being Vari-Lite wash dimmer being patched separately.
Unfortunately, for most fixtures it seems to be locked.
Thank you for your explanation. This functionality is logged on our system as ONYX-1061. I have made a note of these requests for this.
A lot of fixture on the market start to have this feature, it is widely used on Clay Paky fixture to have independent control of pixels vs the rest of the fixture.