lightjockey universal u

hola tengo un problema con lightjockey universal u ,se me ha estropeado el ordenador y he tenido que comprar otro al intentar cargar el programa no detecta los driver aunque ten el sistema operativo es wuindous 7 profesional, como puedo arreglar este problema[quote=“Djmanni, post:1, topic:4680, full:true”]
I have been a user of Martin Lightjockey 2 with One Key for many years.
Now I’ve installed the version 2.110.4 with me, and wonder if I can simply install the version 2.200 of Elation.
Is this then full?
Did Elation take over this support completely?
Thank you for your answers.

Greetings Manni

There is really no reason to install the update as nothing has changed in the software at all and LJ is not further developed.
Its repackaged by Elation with new hardware and we offer library support.