I bought a second Netron EP4 after having my original for about 3 years now.
Fresh out of the box, It connected just fine. Before doing any configuration I decided to upgrade the Firmware. I attempted a FW upgrade on the Webpage. After about 3 Hours, It failed. Now, All the DMX activity lights simultaneously flash blue about once per second.
I have attempted multiple factory resets and reboots. Always back to the slow blue lights. With my IP set correctly, I cannot Ping or (Obviously) Get to the webpage. The CLU Cannot detect this unit.
It seems, For all intents and Purposes it is “Bricked”.
I would like to find a solution to this without having to go through the hassle of returning it.
Welcome to the forum. Sorry you are experiencing some issues. Based on the manual, a slow blink (flash) of blue means a loss of DMX. However, that does not address why you can no longer connect to the unit. So I have some follow up questions to try and help. **Disclaimer - I’m an end user, not official support. But maybe this will help get you up and going.
What was the firmware it came with?
What was the firmware you were trying to go to? (Latest isn’t a helpful answer)
Is this being powered over POE or the USB-C port?
What version of CLU do you have installed on the PC?
What version of ONYX is on the PC?
Did (or Does) it show up under the DMX-Settings / EtherDMX?
Can you confirm your PC’s IP and subnet mask?
Are you sending Art-Net or sACN data?
Did you download both files to upload / install to the device? (Display NFW and Web IMG)
Have you tried the - I would make sure you have fresh copies of the NFW and IMG files from the website ready to go and that you have the USB-C power connected until the upgrade is complete.
A factory reset sets it to, if you can’t see it then this is not solvable and would have to be serviced by Obsidian with a custom uploader device to reflash the firmware.
Is there a reason you are “downgrading” the firmware on this unit? If this is a new unit, I would think the unit would be shipping with Firmware version 2.9.4. But as Matthias stated, the unit needs service.