Nx2 trouble booting

Hi, i have an Nx2 that boot cycles several times before actually booting up. No usb connected, only dmx out. Anyone have a solution for this?

Hi @Marius

Sorry to hear this. If you remove all connections apart from power, does the issue persist? Do you know what software version the console is currently running?

When did the issue begin to occur? For example have the issues started following a software update?

When the console restarts during boot, what screen does it get to before restarting? Does the console seem to boot all the way before then restarting, or does it only boot part-way?


Change te BIOS Batttery

It boots to a black screen, then powers off, several times. Eventually the onyx logo appears and it boots like normal, but the time and dagte always reset to a date in august, so i guess that’s when this problem started to accure.

It runs 4.8.1244

Thank you for the information. How old is your console? As @Jirwind mentions, this behaviour could be caused by a flat CR2032 battery.

If your console is out of warranty, and you would like to replace the battery, please email support@obsidiancontrol.com, and we can send instructions. Alternatively, please reach out to one of our service centres.
