One Key Demo works for a limited period of time

Edit. learned that the Demo keys have a timer after opening the Code-meter software & web interface. They only work for a limited period of time.

where did you get the key from?

I got it and another one from Ebay. The seller was Neatcom, which also listed it on their website. It seemed legit. They were sold as Demo.

I have two other keys which are not Demo keys. Since I only use two at a time it didn’t really make any difference having them. I wanted a backup in case one got lost. I’ve had a USB Key lost or stolen before. I wish there were an online activation option, like they have with Resolume, which is activated for a limited period of time.

I wonder. Are the One-Key demo versions still upgradeable?

An upgrade license will cost the same as an Onyx Key, we don’t really have a software license sales channel set up.

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@Matthias -

Is there any advantage to registering the ONYX-Key’s? I also have several ONYX-key’s for volunteers to remote program and as PC-backups to consoles. I was looking on Wibu-Systems website and it talks about locking stolen keys or damaged replacement. Back in the early Maxxyz days I for some reason recall seeing some documentation about that but can’t find anything now.



@Matthias -

This is what I found on the Code-Meter that I was referencing above.


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I remember going through the whole process of creating an account and registering, etc. But when one was lost or stolen, I couldn’t find any recourse.

Bummer to hear that. Sorry that has caused problems for you.