Onyx Remote App for IOS

Software Version: 4.8.1240
NX Console Type or PC OS Version:


I have a fixed installation where we would like to remote control the Onyx PC setup from a Apple Ipad and the Onyx remote. This works fine but we dont see what playback is activated becouse of the APP IOS does not receive any receipt from the ONYX PC software.

Is there any way to recive a receipt when activating the different playback etc in the Onyx remote APP on IOS.? Thank you for any feedback regarding my question.


Hi @Robert

Welcome to the forum.

The ONYX Remote app can be used to trigger cues, but does not provide cuelist status information.

For full feedback, the best option would be to use a small Windows laptop rather than an iPad, and wirelessly connect to ONYX using the “X-Net” protocol. This will then give you full control and feedback over your show file.

Please let us know if you have any questions.