RDM10 is sending ArtDMX Packages while in Backup Preset-Config

Hi there,
thats a good one ^^

I have 6 RDM10 in Backuo-Mode (NETRON-Preset) FW 2.9.4
They get Data only via DMX, but are also connected via Network to use the CLU.
The PC has IP
The nodes uses they 10.xxx.xxx.xxx IP and get data via the Ports A and B on the Rear side.

While investigate something other we opend Wireshark and discovered something realy funny but not funny.

All 6 Nodes are sending the data received via DMX back as ArtDMX on the Network.
RDM 10 Sending ArtDMX in Backup Mode.pcapng (5.8 MB)

RDM 10 Sending ArtDMX in Backup Mode ArtPoolReply included.pcapng (37.2 KB)

Here an other Dump where you also have the ArtPoolReply included, so you can verify its from the RDM10s

Hi, i had this problem again last week, please fix this

What firmware version is the RDM10 running?
