EDIT: Release 4.4.1186 is now online and this beta round is closed.
Release Notes for Onyx
(C) 2018-2020 - Obsidian Control Systems
4.4.xxx (xx/02/2020)
This version requires Windows 10 Home/Pro/Enterprise 64bit
Compatible with ONYX NX4, NX2, NX Touch, NX-DMX
Compatible with M-Series M1 HD, M2GO HD, M6 (with ONYX Upgrade), M-Touch, M-Play, USB-DMX devices
DYLOS is limited to 2 Zones in Free Version (other Zones show DEMO watermark)
Removed support for all Enttec USB devices
Phased out support for older Martin hardware (Ether2DMX8, M1, M2GO)
OSC Playback and Function Keys require license (ONYX or M-Series) or attached playback device (Touch/Play)
(unlicensed OSC Playback has execution delays)
New Features
DYLOS Pixel Composer (up to 5 Zones in 2D Plan)
Supports RGB, CMY, White, Dimmer parameters
DYLOS Factory Content Package (1000+ files, separate download and import)
Content Management System with User Media Import and Optimization
Video and Image playback
Wide variety of Postion and Color manipulation
Integrated FX (Tile, Lines, Colors, Generators)
Text Generator
Fixes and Improvements
Updated integrated Help Manual
Improved user interface focus and navigation
Console arrow keys are now active
New arrow controls on right side of button grids
Keyboard shortcuts and navigation
Fixed playback buttons being unresponsive to fast touch input
Fixed Art-Net loopback issue
Added discovery for Art-Net 4 devices
Fixed hardware devices on same device space not synchronizing with OSC input
Provide load/default shortcuts on parameter group popup
Optimized fixture type search in library editor
Fixed false conflict errors when reusing addresses of fixtures with virtual dimmers after unpatching
Fixed USB DMX devices not sending data beyond universe 64
Fixed inability to restore internal DMX devices to defaults when not all ports are attached to Onyx
Fixed fixtures with patch suggestion part (external dimmer, etc) being presented as multi-part fixtures in 2D plan