I am using a desktop computer to run ONYX software from… so far so good for a newbie to Onyx!
I purchased a NX DMX box and finally got to try and interface with Capture BUT the menu item for sACN at the bottom of the EtherDMX page is missing.
I am connected via hard wired to the internet.
I am running Windows 10 on a slightly older HP desktop with a touch sensitive screen attached.
What am I missing?
The NX-DMX will unlock 4 universes of output (sACN / Art-Net / DMX). So a properly configured ONYX and Capture system will work.
Are you running on the same machine or over a network.
Does ONYX show NOVA in the bottom left
Have you tried the alternative method of CITP
Depending on the answers will help us better advise. My guess is a network issue first and then maybe a ONYX / Capture configuration setting is being missed.
What version of ONYX are you running? The first issue is finding out why your NX-DMX does not unlock / indicate NOVA license. Depending on your version, there maybe a firmware update needed for your NX-DMX. Once we get NOVA to show, then we can better troubleshoot your sACN (and / or CITP) connection to Capture.
CITP (Controller Interface Transport Protocol) is an open communication protocol between lightning desk, media servers, and visualizers. It was developed by Capture. ONYX and Capture have a bi-directional link. Allowing ONYX to get patch information from Capture or vise versa. You can also manipulate fixture in Capture and there DMX values will be loaded into the programmer. You’ll want to read up on it a little bit, but it is very helpful once figured out. Here is a link for it from the manual. Connecting to Capture
Thanks for the tips. The adapter cables (5pin to 3pin) finally arrived and I was able to unplug the old ShowDesigner 1 and plug the NX-DMX box up.
Good things - the NOVA button appeared in the lower left corner of my screen.
BAD stuff - all the lights are randomly running, most are strobing. Not what I was expecting. What am I missing or did wrong. I followed each set of instructions to Patch, Group, and Preset.
My guess is that there is a profile mis-match between what you had running on the old ShowDesigner1 and what you patched into ONYX. What you are describing sounds like start addresses aren’t lining up.
Example. Show Designer 1 has 3 par lights patched in a 3 channel RGB mode light. The start address would be 1, 4, and 7. It’s possible that in ONYX the same make / model of light got patched in an “extended” 5 channel mode. Meaning, the light has the ability to have 1)dimmer, 2)red, 3)green, 4)blue, and 5) strobe. So in ONYX it is now patched at 1, 6, 11. Thus causing the current rig to act sporadically.