SACN Priorities for Onyx

Hey Guys! Working on a system with two Onyx PC consoles and a Pathway Vignette system on sACN networks.

I would like to make the rack PC (Onyx 1) a lower priority than the other Onyx Console (Onyx 2) so that when Onyx 2 is on, the Rack PC commands are not listened to on the network. The Vignette will work similarly and I can adjust the sACN priorities on the Pathscape software easy-please. BUT, I cannot find anyware a priority level in Onyx for the sACN signal it is producing.

I do not want to do XNET which will not allow us to do a live switch and we have eNode 8’s on this job, which don’t seem to have that function. Does anyone know where this setting is? It’s pretty common on many other desks so I was surprised on to see it here.

Thank you for your help!

ONYX currently does not support sACN priority settings.

That’s unfortunate. The priority function of sACN is what makes it so robust for architectural applications. You should really add it to the features request list if you want Onyx to be more useful for integrators like our company…

Daniel and Team,

I’d like to see sACN priorities also. So just adding my support for this feature request also.

Thanks and keep up the good work.
