I am trying to have all the moving heads on the left to have PAN inverted by default and on the right the normal “mode”. Setting that and saving that into the default values is not working. It simply ignores that and all are set to “normal” FX mode again.
Am I doing something wrong?
Você quer inverter o PAN somente de alguns aparelhos? Se for isso você tem que ir no PATCH, la tem opção de inverter PAN e TILT.
I hope that I got that translated correctly.
Yes I know this would also be an option, but the question was more into the direction if this is the correct behaviour in onyx that it does NOT save such things like effect settings into the default?
Parâmetros de FX não são salvos no padrão dos canais do ONYX, não sei qual seria a utilidade de ter FX salvo no padrão. Poderia explicar melhor por que você quer salvar FX no padrão?