I have a fixture, I put it on the 2D plan and I create a cue (intensity+shape)
I update the fixture on the editor, and I name it fixture verx.2.
I swap the fixture on ONYX succesfully.
On the 2D plan I can see the old one, doing nothing when I launch the cue.
If I add again the swapped fixture on the 2D plan, I can see perfectly the swapped fixture executing the cue of the previous fixture.

Why the 2D plan is not updating the swapped fixture?


It is working like this since, at least 2 years to not said since the beginning (as far as I know).

But should make more sense to update the 2D plan also, right?
Because now that I.m improving palettes and gobos of own profiles I realized that I have to redo 2D plan each time.
So no more small dedication to elaborate personalities, I need to do it at all at once.

From my point of view, yes.

But there is maybe a justified reason behind?

So that’s not a bug, but a suggestion to provide =)