Telnet Issue


I have gotten TELNET to work. But I can only get it to work on some cue lists. video shown below. I am using the exact same commands but changing the cuelist number. But it only seems to fire one cuelist and none of the others. Onyx manager says telnet is connected when I click on those buttons. However, nothing fires.

Video example

Thank you for the video. Please could you confirm the exact Telnet command you are sending for the “Hatchling” cuelist, and the exact Telnet command you are sending to the “Worklights” cuelist?

I think something is wrong with the push button unit. Not ONYX. Companion works fine over telnet. I updated the hatchling command within the button unit. And now that doesn’t work. So I’m starting to lean towards the device is screwy.

Just for kicks though. Here are the commands.

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Thank you for the update. Please let me know if you continue to encounter issues with this.