Updating NX-1 Firmware to 4.8.1243.0 - Bricked Console?

Was updating a NX-1 Console to the newest firmware. 4.8.1243.0

The console will not turn back on.

Hello @SCruzM ,

I would suggest to download the latest software again and prepare the bootable usb stick.
Attach a keyboard and when console is booting up enter bios.
Reset the bios to defaults and then save and switch off.
Insert the usb stick and switch on the console. It should boot up with the new system installation.
I hope that helps.

I have the same problem but with the latest v4.10.1268.0. It’s a brand new console. After the BIOS update and install the v4.10, everything was fine, I even had a chance to update the NX-P and NX-K firmware attached to the NX-1, also import ONYXContent (the small one). But this morning when I startup, the console was cannot turn on. Have tried your method : attach a keyboard and try to enter bios (by repeatedly press Del) on power up. But it cannot even enter the bios.
The screen blanks all the time. The power is fine, the fan is on, the little blue display showing ONYX logo is on. Try to connect external monitor via HDMI but no signal detected.
Please advice. Thank you very much.

I would try to contact the customer support. It looks like more complex issue.