Windows 11 installation, stuck on status or Error 27502

Hi everyone,

I’ve been trying to install ONYX on my PC for a few weeks now. I have an NX1 but I would like to also have ONYX on PC to do some plans and cuelists and more.

However, everytime I try to install it, it doesn’t work. Most of the time it’s stuck at “Status” with the progression bar almost empty, other times it seems like it will install, and it’s almost installed, but gets the error 27502 related to Microsoft SQL.

I’m at a loss. I wanted to use the cleanup tool seen in other posts on this forum, but I couldn’t find the tool anywhere.

This is a computer lent to me by the organization managing the theater so there is a few layers of security on it and it might be related. But I’m open to hearing all suggestions to finally be able to install it.

Thank you!
