ayuda mi controlador no funciona, descargue la ultima version que es compatible con windows 10 lo detecta pero aparese en color naranja los leds y al conectar la usb la detecta pero no pasanada que podria ser alguien le ha pasado algo igual, o podria ser que no escompatible con windows 10.
“Help my driver does not work, download the latest version that is compatible with windows 10 it detects but orange in the leds and when connecting the usb detects but not passed that could be someone has happened something like, or could be Is compatible with windows 10.”
See this post and make sure the hardware/LIghtjockey version you have is compatible with Windows 10
Hola Roberto,
Paul dice que a ver a este post;
Posiblemente que el version del Lightjockey, que Vd tiene, es uno viejo que no funciona con Window 10.
El nueno version del LightJockey2 funciona con Windows 10,
I’m having the same issue