ONYX Beta 1207

This build includes updates to DYLOS including a full screen preview window and a revision of the framing feature to an X/Y coordinate concept instead of the emulation of a mechanical A/B framing.

Further the library is making good progress and ONYX has more enhancements to improve parameter feedback during programming.

4.5.1207 (17/02/2021)

Added DyLOS zone output panel
Improved parameter rendering (CTC, better rendering for linear ranges that have constant subranges, …)
Anti-aliasing in DyLOS can be disabled for better pixel accuracy
DyLOS framing now is corner point oriented instead of “blade” oriented
Various fixes and improvements


Tested on a show created in 1206, Dylos doesn’t seems to read the media.

Where, with a full new show, it works. Is there any parameter I have to change on Dylos, or show created previously are not compatible?

Just installed 1207… My user fixtures have lost all information besides the Manufacturer name… This is with opening a new 1207 showfile and trying to patch fixtures.

With an older showfile from current non beta, trying to patch new fixtures from “patched types” and from “history” show no channels under DMX Profile tab. Trying to patch the fixture causes a crash.

Hello, I noticed the zone fixture type didn’t update in your show file, so the new framing system keeps the output “closed”. I’ll have a look why it doesn’t update, thanks for the report.

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Simply creating manufacturer and model folders already makes them appear in my library browser… Any chance you could zip your user library folder and PM it to me? Maybe something goes wrong while collecting information about a type in there

Turns out the Robe pixelPATT fixture type was modified in the library in a way that is not footprint-compatible at the part level. This prevents any cached fixture type inside the show file from being updated at all (but the DyLOS types must be updated to be consistent with the engine).

Any chance you could remove fixture 501 from your show and then restart the software (using Continue with current show) twice (once to fully remove the deleted fixture, second to update the fixture types). Next, you can add the Robe pixelPATT fixture again.

I’ll look at detecting this footprint mismatch so it could be skipped for updates, and other fixture types can get their updates.

Thanks for reporting

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Hello Gert,

Are you referring to AB library, or Onyx library (history profile was an Onyx one)…

Isn’t Auto Update was cancelled, from 4.5 on, to avoid removing Onyx profiles, in your show?


Working with Capture 2021 and latest Beta ,why don’t the frames and iris or zoom and Focus showing their changes in Capture?
I mean if we are working CITP biderectional is should be visualized or no?
Anyway when I use the console parameters ,they are doing what they should but they aren’t visualizzed in Capture framing section so the “zoom fader is not moving or focus fader is not moving” etc… why?
I am using the latest library Proteus Maximus.
Thanx = )

Thanks! Now Dylos works :slight_smile: (Remove 501 + double restart)

Is the following issue a fixture one, or an Onyx one? (It seems there are 2 issues, one from Onyx (where the current encoder value are not send as DMX Output), and one from the Fixture where the combined Fixture, or the master part of the fixture doesn’t display the right information in the 2D Plan).

Patch a pixelPatt in mode 6 (90ch) with Virtual Dimmer On.

Then, select only the master part of the fixture, and open the encoders belt:

We can see that the output is set to 100%, but, for Onyx inside the fixture center, it is only 1%:
Where, on the DMX output, it is at zero: (channel 295/296)

If i move just a little the intensity, I get the DMX output set properly (from 65535 to 65534):

But on the 2D plan, it stays full black, like the Master part from the fixture center:

greetings to all

I have a doubt, if it is a normal architecture or a bug.
I take two ( ONYX SOURCE ) to activate simultaneously the same effect in Dylos in the affected devices ; but it does not do it at the same time I must do it separately as this in the video

good luck to all

No doubt this is a bad profile…

Ofer Brum
Onyx Library Support

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Thanks Ofer for the quick feedback!

So have to wait feedback from AB (sent last week if my memory is good).

To workaround it, and try to advance a little, I’m trying to use current pixelPatt profile in mode 6, but dylos only control intensity on this fixture where it should be RGB control :frowning:

I have tested following to compare, and there is clearly an issue with local fixture (coming from current library) where Dylos simply refuse to use the RGB:

  • Patch Generic RGB from current AB library and the same coming from current released library
  • Insert them in a Dylos zone

As result, the fixture coming from AB works, where the one coming from “local library” doesn’t work at all for fixture without multi-part.

With “local library” with fixture composed of multi-part, Dylos plays only on the R+G+B all at once, like intensity control.

So I finally got 1207 to load on my M1HD and found a few items that seem like bugs or issues:

If you hit the virtual console view button on an M1HD it compresses the sidebar making it unusable, whereas on a PC it just covers the bottom few sidebar buttons, it doesn’t compress the sidebar.

Also, on the M1HD I have a view with the Playback Buttons window stacked on top of M-Play window, if you open the virtual console it compresses the view, if you try to expand either window to make it viewable it then alters the view killing one of the two stacked windows even though workspace is locked from editing. Also, switching to another view and back does not restore the view back to its default configuration, even if the virtual console view is turned off. If you do unlock the workspace and edit that view and click the stacked horizontal window pane view it will restore the view back to normal.

Another item I noticed, when the virtual console view is open and I hit playbacks 11-20 on my M-Touch they mimic on the virtual console view even though the M-Touch is assigned to a different Device ID


Can you share a picture of this?

AB’s, (between builds) and auto update is still on, but we don’t echange automatically between the libraries

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Hi to all !
Please can you fix this little issue when we enlarge icons in this way?
I mean or a sort of limit ,so we don’t reach this type of visual issue.

Cause in this case the numbers are not visible anymore ! Maybe changing the way icons display numbers!


The button for this UI is actually intended for the PC Version, it should be hidden on a console.

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Ok thanks, yeah it’s not hiding the button.

BTW, it would be a nice feature if you could use the that UI/console screen on additional monitors when you have an add-on Playback, M-Touch, NX-Touch, etc.

Basically have the ability to assign the that view to display the playbacks from a different Device ID than just the main console.