ONYX Beta 1200

FREEZE SCREEN ZONE COMPOSER. Sometimes when i start new show i setup my 2d view then i open zone composer view and it appear freeze, mix both views (2d+zone composer) the side bar buttons don t work and the onyx sofware go very slow. i can t save the show and close the onyx software is not possible. then i restart the computer and onyx software and works fine but sometimes the issue repeat

we are looking into this


can you provide some details of your pc? cpu/graphics card?

Can you verify this please!
Let’s suppose we have two zones,1 in vertical that takes only a part of the fixture,and the other zone in Horizontal that takes all the fixtures,what i would like to do is have the chance to give priorities to these different zones if they are both active to create some very cool FX!
Could it be possible?

I7-7700. //16Gb Ram// GPU: Nvidia Geforce 1060 3Gb

It was with one simple multi part fixture and one dylos zone. Last times it was hapoen was with similar conditions. The multipart fixture was exported from general library to my personal library.

Please retry.



Using the Dylos “Clear” and filtering only the MAPPING:
Some times I use the Dylos “clear filters” only for mapping , but some times it works and some time it doesn’t!
This is what I expect from this option, let’s suppose I have "pan tilt "mapped into 2 presets but I change idea and want to “clear” only the “mapping” in Dylos ,cause I want to use all the situation like it is ,but need to change the 2 presets using “zoom” and no more “Pan Tilt” Presets.
What I would like is to clear only the mapping ,and integrate my new parameters by selecting again the presets that I need.
This is how I intend the CLEAR to work in Dylos,is this possible?
Thanx = )

The “Pre select on next go” feature:
Please make this lovely feature more visible, invent something so we can realize it’s there, and that’s ready to be used.
Sometimes it’s really importante to give more visibility to a button!
Thanx = )

thanx… it works now.

Talking about the “RELEASE” time:
Can you modify this feature here and add “DELAY TIME & FADE TIME” cause together with Dylos this could have some interesting implications!
Thanx = )

What should the rotated do? cause currently it doesn’t give any chance dto do anything!

It corrects DMX addressing for bars/panels that were mounted wrong compared to how the show was programmed (so it compares to pan/tilt invert and swap: you won’t see any difference within the software, but you will in the output).

O k really nice Thanx!
But how do we know it’s activated? can you add a colour change or someting like active or a “checker”?

It does: it will show a check mark. But it’s “smart”, however: you will only be able to rotate bars and panels; bars will rotate 180 degrees on every command, while panels will rotate 90 degrees on every command

Thanx Gert alway very clear! =)

Can you watch my video in fb is it ok for you?
Then is there a chance that once we “ROTATE” the fixture from the patch, it can also rotate and refresh the 2d plan it’s " Smart" :slight_smile:

We’ve noticed the pixel mapping doesn’t follow the fixture rotation applied within the 2D plan, that will be fixed before we release again

Just a little reflection, How I can see we are always the same people in beta forum,why don’t you create an Alpha team for testing new features?
It looks like only a few people are interested in this forum ! Maybe I am wrong!
Anyway it gives me that impression!