ONYX-1109 Added AnyDesk to diagnostic tools for remote support
Added “Release” value in cues to release a channel from tracking through subsequent cues
Added new “Skip” cue option for genuine cue-only behavior (values previous cue tracked through in next cue rather than hard coded value duplication in next cue)
Added dual fixture group mapping mask with logical combination options
Added gobo pixel mapping mode
Added weight sub channels to cross fade direct ↔ pixel-mapped output per parameter
Added fade/delay/weight editing modes behind double click on LINK button
Added fixture group mapping mask
Added palette support to effect slots
Updates / Improvements
ONYX-1025 Improved parameter encoder behavior and range locking
ONYX-74 Improved show backup naming (BeforeCreate/Load/Optimize/Upgrade now became a prefix for the file name that includes show name, time and build)
ONYX-1112 Allow install of latest Focusrite ASIO driver installers (including 4th generation); 3rd party (ASIO) packages can now also be uninstalled
Improved gobo pixel mapping mode
Improved consistency of using channel and parameter group buttons with CLEAR/DEFAULT/LOAD/SET SELECTION on command line
ONYX-1088 Fixed Patch help
ONYX-1094 Fixed [GROUP] [ENTER] not pulling any fixture, that is not at zero intensity, into programmer; [GROUP] [FULL] will now work as [GROUP] [@] [FULL]
ONYX-1115 Fixed DyLOS color palette selection and preview issues
ONYX-1037 Visual and recording fixes for parameter releases in cues
ONYX-1112 Fixed uninstall of Focusrite packages
ONYX-1065 Fixed intensity output in cuelist ID 10,000 and up
ONYX-1116 Fixed software grand master (in title bar)
ONYX-1124 Fixed “Division by zero” error when attempting to scroll using 2 touch points
Fixed WEIGHT not being applied to Pan/Tilt and “random” other values
Fixed CLEAR/DEFAULT/LOAD through right-click on parameter groups
Fixed FADE/DELAY OUT being applied when providing fanning value for IN
Fixed CLEAR SELECTION on programmer groups not considering BASE/FX/TIME filters
Fixes in weight tracking; Fixes in Weight clearing through filter
Fixed CLEAR on parameter group while in FADE/DELAY/WEIGHT editing mode
Hi to all!
Primary and secondary console via ART-NET ,Why when joining the show ,the secondary pc Opens secondary Sidebar ,and not the same as the primary? it’s a bit weird to my opinion,can we avoid this and make it exactly open as the “Primary” console.
Thanx to all! = )
Hi Edward try this on 2 pc’s maybe it does it!
But if I am using ONYX on a “Primary” PC,and I Joined the show on the 2 “System” meanwhile I am doing something else,What I expect is seeing exactly the same Page , Active Cues , Active fader, Selected Groups, etc. I don’t think I have to check if all is at the same place,as in the Primary pc. To my opinion this should be something that happens automaticly ,to me it’s obvious ,or you think no?
Please send me the show file that is running on your primary system, and provide step-by-step instructions on how you are joining the show file on your secondary system.
Hi Edward, It’s the file you already have,Just pushed" Join" at the begining of Onyx in Load Options,on 2 PC .
Obviously I have previously verified all Artnet connections,“Used the Ping in CMD” no Firewall activated etc…
ok, gerd confirmes that this is a bug! dear all, please post a message here if you also think that a bug like this can not wait to be fixed till the next step of betas. there should be a fast fix, because we cannot test further if such a basic workflow funktion is broken.
what do you think?
new beta:
hello, should the new double click function for the popup for fade/ delay/ weight option, also work with nxk? in our case it does not! is this normal?
Thank you for confirming. I’m not sure why the LINK key isn’t working on your system. If you open the CV, and then double tap the onscreen LINK key in here, does the Link Mode popup appear as expected?