Added visual feedback display modes for beat provider, which can be used in canvases or palettes
Significant improvements to beat detection responsiveness and reliability
Fixed steam content generator
Fixed inability to delete some fixtures in a show that has input processors
Fixed setting the offset to the horizontal limits while fanning causing the logic to crash
Fixed changing tap tempo from a very slow BPM taking too long
Fixed moving or swapping pixel mapped fixtures no longer being pixel mapped until software restart
When selecting multiple Zone fixtures in Dylos, changing the video clip only changes the last selected zone, even though multiple Zone fixtures are chosen.
Dylos programmer Parameter Wheel coordination issue. For example, if a video clip is selected in the blue media folder on the popup parameter wheel, changing to the red folder in the column to the left of the video clips, it automatically starts a red video clip. So Dylos initializes that color when changing media content folders on the wheels.
Request that Dylos works with the Live Time setting. I do a lot of busking and I have to fade out of Dylos before choosing a different video clip, because it doesn’t fade to it.
An older request, that the PT FX movement macros work also with the Live Time setting.
Edit 1:00 pm
Feature request: When I resize the “Main Playback Status” too small it goes black. I wish it could be reduced in height more. I don’t need to see the other 10, 11-20 as long as one can toggle between them.
I also wish it were possible to have two Playback Status windows as a default at the bottom of the screen.
(My reasons are that I almost always use two banks of faders. I tend to use one for the intensities, mostly inhibitives, and leave it on that. The other wing, M-Touch, I tend to change pages and use FX playbacks, Q-Blender speed Overrides, etc. ).
Edit 10/02
Cuelist number is not updated after recording cues unless the cuelist is change to anotehr type , such as override and then changed back to a cuelist
IT’S getting more dificult without anykind of "visual help "to imediatly see where we are in a window like this ,and get where the values of the selected fixtures are shown!
Can you add a line a square a different colour to theselected fixtures entire line values?
Thanx very much! = )
Recording a cue and merging as secondary on x-net causes the cue stack on secondary to go back to the starting cue. The primary keeps the cue in the same place. If you hit go on secondary it goes to the correct next cue.